• 3 interviews: USA Today International Bestselling Author Ann Charles, teacher turned YA author Diann Boehm, and game/author Tim Ahrens.
• 3 excellent short stories,  S.A.A. Rivzi, Tyree Campbell, and Joshua Packard

Articles from Lance Thompson (Tales from the Script), award-winning author Jill Hedgecock (BookEnds), and our multi-page section of WRITING TIPS to help authors avoid common pitfalls, tips, and things to watch for, including scam agents, vanity press, editing tip and more. 

Read the September 2022 issue in the following formats:

PDF (single page) HERE

PRINT COPY: (via Amazon) US $5.99  CLICK HERE 


AUGUST 2022 
• 3 interviews International Bestselling Author David P. Perlmutter, fascinating author Mack Little, and author Dr. Teresa Cody.
• 4 excellent short stories,  Joe Giordano (his second with us), David SheskinChere Taylor, and Bryan Schwartzman
Articles from Lance Thompson (Tales from the Script), award-winning author Jill Hedgecock (BookEnds), and a new 9-page section of WRITING TIPS to help authors avoid some common pitfalls. 

Read the August 2022 issue in the following formats:

• PDF (single page) HERE

• PRINT COPY: (via Amazon) US $5.99  CLICK HERE 

• Flip-Magazine. Click HERE if you are having trouble.





JULY 2022 

The July 2022 issue is here and better than ever: 4 interviews (Award-winning bestselling horror author Michaelbrent Collings, multitalented Jennifer Lieberman, author Richard H. Stephens and multi-faceted Musician/Songwriter, Music Producer, Greg Goodell.  4 excellent short stories, 3 from our short story contest winners Daniel Jackson, Katherine Soriano, and Maggie Nerz Iribarne, and a new one from Otto Alexander.  Articles from Lance Thompson (Tales from the Script), Jill Hedgecock (BookEnds), and William Gensburger (Writing with Class).

Read the July 2022 issue in the following formats:

PDF (single page) HERE
PRINT COPY: (via Amazon) US $10.99  CLICK HERE 
Flip-Magazine Click HERE


JUNE 2022

The June 2022 issue is here: 4 interviews (Nicole Fanning, Gregory Erich Phillips, Teri M. Brown, Mickey Mikkelson), articles from Lance Thompson (Script Doc), Jill Hedgecock (BookEnds), Julio Carlos (Scribblesworth),  and William Gensburger (Writing w. Class), Short Stories from David Bassano, Zach Murphy, Gerry Coleman, and Mark Tulin. 

Read the June 2022 issue in the following formats: PDF (single page) HERE

PRINT COPY: (via Amazon) US $9.99  CLICK HERE (available now)

Flip-Magazine Click HERE 

MAY 2022

An exciting issue filled with interviews with Sarah Kades and Natasha Deen, bestselling authors, articles from Jill Hedgecock and William Gensburger, Short Stories from Linda McMullen, PA Farrell, DC Diamondopolous, Books Ends Book Book Review, and ScribblesWorth’s Book Review, Recipes and more.

Read the May 2022 issue in the following formats:

PDF (single page) HERE

PDF (double-page spread) HERE

PRINT COPY: (via Amazon) US $9.99 (66 pages) CLICK HERE 

Flip-Magazine Click HERE 

APRIL 2022

INTERVIEWS with Tosca Lee on life, fiction, and everything, Kristina Rienzi, author and life coach, bestselling author J.C. Ryan on why his thriller series featuring Rex Dalton and Digger, his dog, is hugely popular.

We have 3 SHORT STORIES: ‘Joe Brady’s Bridge’ by Mike Sherer, ‘Pride Among Predators’ by Denice Penrose, and ‘The Sin of Rock and Roll Sunday’ by Cerys Harrison. All three are terrific stories. Be sure to submit your own from the SUBMISSIONS menu tab. BOOK REVIEWS from Jill Hedgecock (BookEnds), and also Scribbleworth’s own Julio Carlos, each tacking different styles of authors.

3 ARTICLES to pique your interest: Why the World Needs Clean Characters in Fiction by popular author J.S. Ririe, The Value of a Muse Board for authors, by Jill Hedgecock, and Can You Afford to be a Writer, by the publisher, William Gensburger.


Read as a PDF HERE (single page) or Read as a PDF HERE (two-page spread)

Read an ePub version HERE. (Download it to read)

Buy a print copy (8×10 full color) from Amazon $8.99 HERE

Read our flip-page magazine HERE 

Books & Pieces Magazine quit publishing during Covid-19  

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MAY 2019

The May 2019 issue of Books ‘N Pieces Magazine featuring interviews with Kimberly Stuart, Pam Houston, Short Story by Avra Margariti. Also featuring FREE D/L DAYS, Congratulations, Gareth Powell, Author Questions on the Run, Book Previews, Letters to the Editor, Brain Games #4 and more.

PDF edition. Flip-style Magazine  



APRIL 2019

This issue of Books ‘N Pieces Magazine featuring interviews with Ellen Michelle, Emily Gallo, Gareth L Powell, Kathrin Hutson, Short Stories by Ellen Denton and Mike Todd. Also featuring Author Questions on the Run, Book previews, Letters to the Editor, Brain Games #3 and more.

PDF. (flip-page style)  Kindle (.mobi for your device)

Kindle Unlimited.   iBooks.   Nook.  Kobo   Google Play

MARCH 2019

If you follow Game of Thrones then you will know of George R.R. Martin, the prolific, multi-award winning author the popular book series. In this issue, Jill Hedgecock offers our readers an exclusive interview with George R.R. Martin (GRRM). Also enjoy BRAIN GAMES #2 with a very difficult puzzle offering only 15 word choices. Can you make a dent in them?

Click to read the PDF edition
Click to read the Flip-Page edition


❤️ The February Issue of Books ‘N Pieces Magazine is Available



Enjoy our interview with bestselling author Tosca Lee, Jenna Greene, Paul Alan Ruben. Short stories by Paul Alan Ruben and Jim Courter. Wine While Writing, Jill Hedgecock’s Book Review, DIY Editing Tips, Do You Have What It Takes to Self-Publish?, Brain Game, Advertising, Bookstore ‘N Pieces and more…

PDF edition:  Kindle edition: Also it is Free on Kindle Unlimited
ePub edition:  Issuu flip-page edition:

The December Issue of Books ‘N Pieces Magazine is Available Now.


This issue is bigger than ever, featuring 6 short stories, 6 interviews, as well as book review, book chapters, articles, and more. Interviews with Marc Watson, Grant Faulkner, Jim Christina, Robin Barefield, C.S. Lakin, Bill Coloumbe.

Click  to read >> PDF << PDF edition.  >>Flip-Page Magazine Style << edition.
Click to download >>EPUB<< format for all eReaders   >>MOBI<< format for Kindle




This issue features: Craig DiLouie, Edward Willett, Richard Paolinelli, Lance Thompson, Jill Hedgecock and JS Ririe interviews, short stories by Sue Ellen Herring, Jay Seate, Charles Hitchcock, and Salvatore Difalco. We also have book chapters from JS Ririe, Kurt Koontz and Danielle Calloway, as well as lots more.

This issue is 80 pages packed, available in print from Amazon, PDF and on

Click HERE for PDF
Print copy HERE.





Interviews: Peter James (UK #1 International bestselling crime author), Joanne Pence, Tony Phllips, Alan Brennart, Stuart Horwitz, Marc Rainer, Ellis Knox, Laura Lefkowitz
Short Stories by: Charles Hitchcock, Jim Hasse, Pat Tomkins, Mark Towse

Read it as a PDF HERE

Read it on HERE

The June 2018 Issue is Ready For You!


JUNE 2018

FOUR Bestselling authors interviewed: Steena Holmes, Miranda Oh, Sara L Johnson, and A.C. Salter. We have TWO short stories: Jay Seate and Cliff Hitchcock–I’m sure you will enjoy them. We also have columns by Jill Hedgecock (The Review’s In), Judith San Nicolas, Page One featuring Bestseller Mike Wells, Lust, Money & Murder, Book 1 (of 10), Big Words and more.

You can read it by clicking > HERE.

Click HERE to read on



Featuring 4 interviews – Eileen Cook (Thriller), K.J. Howe (Thriller), Kurt Koontz (Travel) and Ashley Adams (Romance), as well as an insightful short story by Peter Ford, DVD Review of ‘The Last Jedi’ by William Gensburger, Book Review by Jill Hedgecock,and FREE DOWNLOAD DAYS for April (be sure to catch those), this issue is packed.

Click HERE for PDF

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Interview with YA novelist, Kelly Charron, travel writer and explorer, Kurt Koontz (part one), fiction by Alexander Greene, and an article on why covers and titles are so important. Enjoy and be sure to sign up for our mailing list.

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Welcome to the December issue of BNP Magazine, featuring our interview with sci-fi great, Robert J. Sawyer, two short stories, interview with best selling author Robin Melhuish, Novel chapter preview from Danielle Calloway’s debut novel “The Lost Child,” an editorial titled “The Mass Mess of Christmas,” and more.

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Short Stories by Sarah Neubran, Joshua Jarman and William Gensburger. Interview with publicist, Mickey Mikkelson, Book Review of Kurt Koontz’s “A Million Steps”,  How to Make an Audiobook, Words to Write By, and more.

Read it now:PDF


JULY 2017

An interview with bestselling author JC Ryan (The Tenth Cycle), Twitter marketing tips from Andrew Hood, Problems with self-publishing by Robin Melhuish, short stories, and more.

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JUNE 2017

Interviews with bestselling author Jas T. Ward, and Lauren Jefferson as well as additional contributions by Robin Melhuish, and Mike Wells.

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MAY 2017

Featuring romance authors Devika Fernando, Arabelle Sheraton, YA author Fiona Ingram, with a short story by Henry Ohaegbulam (First place winner in our contest – different story), and mentions from Mike Wells, Robin Melhuish, book reviews,  articles including The Changing Face of Writing, and artwork from Kath Loste.

Click HERE for PDF

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APRIL 2017

Featuring “On Writing” by bestselling author, Robin Melhuish and a short story, Five Questions with bestselling author, MIke Wells, writing contest winners, “Counting by Numbers,” and editorial by William Gensburger.

Click HERE for PDF