The Sheltering Desert by Henno Martin, Updated by JC Ryan

Embark on an extraordinary journey into the heart of the Namib Desert with “The Sheltering Desert” by Dr. Henno Martin.

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Faced with internment in World War II, two German geologists chose a different path – a daring journey into the heart of the Namib, one of the world’s most unforgiving deserts. “The Sheltering Desert” by Dr. Henno Martin is an inspiring tale of human resilience, friendship, and the transformative power of nature.

In this gripping narrative, readers are taken on a journey with Drs. Henno Martin and Hermann Korn, and their dog, Otto, as they battle the harsh conditions of the desert, struggling with physical and emotional hardships. Through Martin’s vivid prose, readers experience the transforming power of friendship and the unyielding beauty of nature.

Follow the duo as they make temporary homes around the Kuiseb River canyon, living nearly two years in isolation. But their solitude is disrupted when Korn falls gravely ill, leading them to seek medical aid and, ultimately, reveal their hideout. Sadly, a vehicular accident claimed Korn’s life years later.

You’ll love “The Sheltering Desert” for its captivating story of human resilience and courage in the face of adversity.


JC Ryan on getting the book prepared for its update.

Formatting – Illustrations – Annotations – Editing by JC Ryan

Formatting: I started with a photocopy of the original English version and used OCR (optical character recognition) software to convert the words on the scanned pages to editable text. In the process, many words didn’t convert properly, so I had to fix them. Finally, I created a new cover and converted the book into ePub, PDF, and Paperback formats.

Illustrations: Over the years, as copies, and copies of copies, were made of Dr. Martin’s original book the pictures degraded to unreadable black squares, so I found new pictures which I inserted throughout the book.

Annotations: I have also added notes to explain words and concepts that readers from other parts of the world might not be familiar with or which have become derogatory since the book was first published.

Editing: I used UK English, the same as the original translation by Edward Fitzgerald, to edit the book while I did my best not to deviate from the original text and meaning yet modernize some of the language.

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About JC Ryan:

Since the publication of his first book, The Tenth Cycle, JC Ryan’s books received high acclaim from readers who bought more than 800,000 of his books and read more than 57 million pages.

Ryan has been married to his college sweetheart since 1978. They have two daughters, two sons-in-law, and one grandchild.

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