Our GLOBAL Audience. Where Are YOU From?

A mailing list tells you a lot. Ours tells us where readers who have signed up are from. Now you might think they are mostly USA or Canada, and that’s true, however, so many readers come from across the world, from many countries we forget are English readers and—writers take note—an added market for your books.

If you have not yet joined our mailing list, I hope you will do so. An old list we had from a few years ago was corrupted and so we had to purge a lot of it, asking readers to resubscribe. If you believe you subscribed and have never received our monthly emails, do sign up again. You do not have to worry about a duplicate entry as our system weeds those out.

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The MAY edition of Books & Pieces Magazine comes out in a few days. It includes stories, artwork, poetry, videos, cooking and more! 



William G