Writing Music That Will Keep You Fueled

I heard this song first,  then listened to a few more. It’s addictive and frankly makes me want to stop what I am doing and just write.

The power of music that helps you to process, and digest, thoughts and feelings, and be able to paste them on a blank sheet as something melodic and beautiful, is an amazing art form. I’m talking about writing, not playing music; I play music terribly, however I enjoy music expansively. 

Gabin (French: [ɡabɛ̃]) is an Italian pop band consisting of Massimo Bottini and Filippo Clary. Their name is a reference to the most popular French actor of the 1930s and 1940s – the antiheroJean Gabin. Learn more about Massimo and Filippo HERE. It’s a clean, connective sound that layers thought atop emotion….

Music encourages a focus and a peace, when it comes to writing. It enhances mood which in turn affects how you write what you write.  

In an Online paper written by Kelley Pugh, titled: “The Effect of Music on Creative Writing,”  she writes “The second major finding was that music greatly influenced creative writing. An outside stimulus such as music could have a deep impact on the creative works one produces.” Read that paper HERE

Let’s find out with another of Gabin’s tracks “Urban Night.” Enjoy.

And if you want to listen to the whole first album Online, you can below: The opening track reminds me of Pat Metheny

Wanna buy the CD?  Free to stream if you are an Amazon Prime member. Or buy it on iTunes, or free as part of Apple Music, also a good deal. 

There is more than enough here to keep you busy for a few hours of solid writing.  I’m ready to get started now. How about you?
